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Bilateral retinoblastoma: Long-term follow-up results from a single institution
Sang Yul Choi, Dong Hwan Kim, Kang Min Lee, Hyun Jae Lee, Mi-Sook Kim, Tai-Won Lee, Sang Wook Choi, Dong Ho Kim, Kyung Duk Park, Jun Ah Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2009;52(6):674-679.   Published online June 15, 2009
Purpose : The authors aimed to analyze the long-term effects of treatments, especially external beam radiotherapy (EBRT), in bilateral retinoblastoma patients. Methods : This retrospective study analyzed the medical records of 22 bilateral retinoblastoma patients who were registered between October, 1987 and October, 1998 and followed-up for more than 10 years. They were treated by enucleation, EBRT, and systemic chemotherapy....
Ifosfamide in the Pediatric Malignant Solid Tumors
Sang Wook Choi
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1992;35(3):371-380.   Published online March 15, 1992
Ifosfamide (IFO), one of a number of alkylating agents, has been given with Adriamycin (ADR) or Etopsoide (VP-16) to the thirteen malignant solid tumor patients (five neuroblastoma, six osteosarcoma, one rhabdomyosarcoma, one leigomyosarcoma). IFO 1.8g/m2/d was given for an hour with mensa uroprotection for the consecutive five days. All but two relapsed patients had response. The number of courses were...
A case of metastatic neuroblastoma to brain.
Sang Wook Choi, Mee Jeong Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1991;34(5):715-719.   Published online May 31, 1991
Metastatic neuroblastoma to whole bones and brain generally has been considered incurable, but some reports have been published with good and partial response after initial chemotherapy followed by second-look operation. But the long term survival is dismal. Recently we experienced a case of metastatic neuroblastoma to brain without neurologic symptoms confirmed by computed tomograpy, who had multiple bony metastases including skull. The whole metastatic...
Observation on Chief Complaints of Pediatric Outpatients.
Sang Wook Choi, Hyung Ro Moon
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1983;26(9):843-849.   Published online September 30, 1983
Chief complaints of pediatric outpatients may reflect the patterns and severity of illnesses. As with the differences in prevalent illnessess in various periods of childhood, the chief complaints may also vary with age. This study was performed in order to investigate frequencies of various chief complaints in different age periods of childhood and rates of hospitalization for each chief complaint obtained at initial visit...
Observation of Social Back Ground and Disease Patterns of Children in an Institute for Foreign Adoption.
Sang Wook Choi, Kang Hyun Cho, Don Hee Ahn, Keun Chan Sohn
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1982;25(3):241-249.   Published online March 31, 1982
A study was made to see the family back ground abandonment of mother's right, clinical and laboratory examination(urinalysis, blood examination, tuberculous skin test, VDRL, PKU screening test and chest X-ray) on 1,793 infants and children in an institure for foreign adoption. The results were as follows: 1) Gilrs were much more predominant than boys with male to female ratio of...


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