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A case of metastatic neuroblastoma to brain.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1991;34(5):715-719.
Published online May 31, 1991.
A case of metastatic neuroblastoma to brain.
Sang Wook Choi, Mee Jeong Lee
Department of Pediatrics, Korea Cancer Center Hospital, Seoul, Korea
뇌에 전이된 신경아세포종 1례
최상욱, 이미정
원자력병원 소아과
Received: 19 September 1990   • Accepted: 17 November 1990
Metastatic neuroblastoma to whole bones and brain generally has been considered incurable, but some reports have been published with good and partial response after initial chemotherapy followed by second-look operation. But the long term survival is dismal. Recently we experienced a case of metastatic neuroblastoma to brain without neurologic symptoms confirmed by computed tomograpy, who had multiple bony metastases including skull. The whole metastatic lesions to bones and brain have been clearing up after 3 cycles of multi-agent chemotherapy. So we suggest multi-agent high dose chemotherapy to the patients with poor prognosis.
Key Words: Neuroblastoma stage IV, Brain metastasis

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