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Question: What should be considered in children who complain of pork allergies? Finding: History of raising a cat, the onset of symptoms after the ingestion of pork and specific IgE tests to pork, cat, milk, and Alpha-gal are needed. Meaning: Pork cat syndrome could be the cause of pork allergies. |
There was a global increase in the prevalence of oseltamivir-resistant influenza viruses during the 2007-2008 influenza season. This study was conducted to investigate the occurrence and characteristics of oseltamivir-resistant influenza viruses during the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 influenza seasons among patients who were treated with oseltamivir (group A) and those that did not receive oseltamivir (group B). A prospective study was conducted... |
Purpose : Although oseltamivir is widely used for treatment of influenza, few clinical studies of its efficacy and resistance have been performed in Korea. We evaluated the safety, side effects, and efficacy of oseltamivir treatment in Korean pediatric patients. Methods : We analyzed 321 children diagnosed with influenza at Busan St. Mary's Medical Center, Korea, between January 2008 and June... |
Purpose : During epidemics, influenza induces a high mortality and morbidity, and when influenza is prevalent, it is revealed by increased pneumonia, hospitalization due to influenza-like illness, and mortality in community. We aimed at the isolation of influenza virus and prevalence period in Busan from 2000 to 2002. Methods : For 3 years from 2000 to 2002, we analyzed the patterns... |
Purpose : This study was performed to determine the relation between cord blood plasma cytokines responses and development of cerebral palsies in premature infants. Methods : Interleukin-1β(IL-1β), Interleukin-6(IL-6), Tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α) were measured using ELISA kits in premature infants(n=60) who were admitted to St. Benedict Hospital from September 2001 to June 2003. Retrospective study was done by review of medical records. Results... |
Purpose : This study was performed to know the clinical profile and effectiveness of colonoscopic polypectomy in patients with solitary juvenile polyp. Methods : This study included 19 children, aged 1.8 to 11.4 years, who underwent colonoscopic polypectomy and histologically proven solitary juvenile polyps between March 1998 and August 2002. We analyzed their detailed history, clinical manifestations, colonoscopic examination, method... |
Mycoplasma pneumoniae is the most common pathogen of the respiratory tract among school- aged children and young adults. The incidence of CNS complication is reported as 0.1-7% of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections. We experienced a case of cerebral infarction complicated by Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and reviewed the literature about the CNS complication of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection. |
Purpose : Cerebral palsies are the most common and severe motor disabilities in childhood. There is currently increased interest in their occurrence and patterns of likely cause for a variety of reasons. Therefore, a retrospective study was carried out to understand the clinical features of cerebral palsy. Methods : A retrospective chart review was conducted of all children with cerebral palsy... |
Henoch-Sch nlein purpura(HSP) is one of the most common vasculitic diseases of childhood, referred to as a leukocytoclastic vasculitis affecting small vessels. Although HSP related gastrointestinal symptoms are seen in up to 80% of patients during acute illness, these symptoms are usually transient. However, some patients with HSP have gastrointestinal major surgical complications such as intussusception, bowel infarction, necrosis, stricture,... |
Purpose : The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of single dose imipramine on nocturnal urine output in patients with nocturnal enuresis. Methods : A total of 6 monosymptomatic enuretic patients of more than 5 years of age were enrolled in this study. We measured nocturnal urine output, urine osmolality, creatinine clearance, osmolal clearance, excretion rate of... |
Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis(IHPS) is the most common condition requiring abdominal surgery in early infancy, and is caused by hypertrophied pyloric muscle. The development of successful surgical treatment in the early 1900s by Fredet and Ramstedt made it possible for infants worldwide to survive. Modern pediatric anesthetic techniques have virtually eliminated mortality from surgical management. Atropine sulfate is a cholinergic... |
Purpose : We report clinical features and viral studies on 153 children with aseptic meningitis in the Pusan area in 1996 and compare the results of this study with those of other reports in 1990 and 1993. Methods : One hundred fiffy-three children with aseptic meningitis who have been admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, St. Benedict Hospital between July and October 1996 were... |
Purpose : This study is to assess the occurence rate, severity, and duration of the back pain after lumbar puncture. Methods : The occurence rate, severity and duration of the back pain that developed after lumbar puncture were recorded prospectively in patients with aseptic meningitis who had been admitted to the department of Pediatrics, St. Benedict Hospital in Pusan, from May 1993 to July... |
The purpose of this study is to verify severity of asthma in asthmatic patients through the arterial blood gas analysis. Subjects were consisted of 103 patients (74 boys and 29 girls), between 2~13 years of ages. Clinically, asthmatic patients were classified into 6 groups, i.e., group 0(no rhonchi), group 1(rhonchi only), group 2(mild attack), group 3(moderate attack), group 4(severe attack), group... |
Wilson disease is an autosomal recessive abnormality in the hepatic excretion of copper that results in toxic accumulation of the metal in liver, brain, and other organs. Hemolytic anemia frequently complicates the courses of Wilson disease and may be the initial clinical feature of Wilson disease. Since hemolysis may be preceding the onset of hepatic manifestation and Kayser-Fleischer ring is... |
Unilateral lung agenesis is defined with absence of parenchyme, supporting structures and airway below the level of the carina. Lung agenesis is associated with other anomaly of cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system and genitourinary system in about 50% cases. In most cases, the diseases is found due to respiratoru problems. Prognosis is variable but largely depends on the associated anomaly and... |
Fifty-six cases of aseptic meningitis were clinically observed from Jan., 1990 to Aug., 1990. Etiologic classification showed that 53cases (94.6%) were of unknown etiology because virus was not identified and 3 cases (5.4%) were mumps meningitis. The most frequent age group was early childhood (55.4%) and more frequent in male. The symptoms were fever, vomiting and headache in order of frequency. The finding of spinal... |
We report a case of congenital cytomegalovirus infection that was associated with microcephaly, hydrocephalus and periventricular calcification. The male baby was born after 39wks gestation to 28 year-old mother who had no prenatel problem except for active pulmonary tuberculosis and pre- mature rupture of membrain. Hydrocephalus was recognized by antenatal ultrasonography at 8 weeks of geststional age and microcephaly was noted at birth. This enable... |
Meconium peritonitis is an aseptic peritonitis caused by spill of meconium in the abdominal cavity through discontinuation of the intestine by any cause, which have taken place during intrauterine or perinatal life. We experienced a case of meconium peritonitis in an 1-day-old male neonate who had the chief complaint of dyspnea and abdominal distension. The review of the literature was made briefly. |
Cryptophthalmos Syndrome is a rare congenital disease charaterized by unilateral or bilateral absence of the palphbral fissure, other dyscephaly, partial cutaneous syndactyly and malformation of the genitalia. It is presumably a nonuniform syndrome and its etiology is not certain. But, a type transmitted by autosomal recessive inheritance may be considered certain. We experienced a characteristic case of cryptophthalmos syndrome in newborn female infant who died... |
Hypokalemic familial periodic paralysis is a type of periodic paralysis characterized by recurrent attack of weakness and paralysis of limb muscles with hypokalemia. The disease is inherited by autosomal dominant trait in case of familial type. We have experienced a case of periodic paralysis in a 10-years old boy whose father had died due to periodic paralysis. The diagnosis was easily established by history,... |
The central dysplasia is rare, congenital central hand anomaly which is usually associated with other anomalies such as radial dysplasia, ulnar dysplasia, syndactyly, absent carpal, carpal fusion, split foot, cleft palate, deafness, cataract, cyclopia, congenital nystagmus, fundal damage, anonychia, imperforate anus and congenital heart disease. The etiology is unknown, and the incidence of the typical split hand is one in 90,000 at birth. The genetics... |
We have experienced a case of Hydrops Fetalis due to Rh-incompatibility in 1 day old female neonate. She showed generalized edema, apnea, cyanosis at birth. her mother, whose blood group and type are A and Rh( -), was multiparity. The first and the second baby were died at 4th day after birth. We treated this third baby with exchange transfusion. 0... |
Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica (EBD) is a rare, chronic noninflammatory mechanobullous disease of hereditary trait, which easily produces bulla by minor injury or spontaneously. We experienced a case of EBD in a 27th day of life female patient. Diagnosis was confirmed by clinical features, light and electron microscopy. A brief review of related literature was made. |
Letterer-Siwe disease is a variant of Histiocytosis X and characterized by onset in infancy, hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, bleeding tendency, hypochromic anemia, fever, localized bone defect and fatal outcome. The diagnosis was confirmed by clinical symptoms, laboratory datas, histopathologic and radiologic findings. We experienced a case which was treated by single prednisolone method and resulted to good response. A brief review of literature was made. |
A 5 years old girl was admitted to Ped. Dept, of St. Benedict Hospital due to pneumonia, gait disability and knock knee. Physical examination on admission showed a picture of full blown rickets such as poor development, waddling gait, knock knee, widening of both wrists, rachitic rosary and compatible X-ray picture. IVP showed bilateral nephrocalcinosis with normal excretory function. Laboratory data showed hypematremin, hyperchloremia,... |
The author studied 105 cases of HRV antigen positive detected by ELISA method among 325 children admitted to the pediatric ward at St. Benedict hospital, whose chief complain was diarrhea during the period of 1 year from Dec. 1st 1983 to Nov. 30, 1984. The results were as follow: 1) A high incidence of antigen positive was observed among... |
This is acase report of the gastric perforation occured in a 4 days old full-term normal bady. She had been well until 4 days of age, when vomitting was noted, and cynosis, respiratory distress, progressive abdominal distension were developed, rapidly. X-ray finding of the abdomen revealed large amount of free air under the both diaphragm, strongly suggesting the perforation of GI... |
The author reviewed the clinical findings of the 53 children diagnosed as aplastic anemia at the pediatric department of St. Benedict Hospital and W.M. Baptist Hospital, Busan, during a period of 12 years from January 1971 to December 1982. The results were summarized as follows: 1) Among the 53 children with aplastic anemia, the ratio between male and female was1.4 : 1. The male was... |
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