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A Case of Hydrops Fetalis due to Rh-Incompatibility.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1989;32(2):255-261.
Published online February 28, 1989.
A Case of Hydrops Fetalis due to Rh-Incompatibility.
In Sook Kim, Seong Kuk Seo, Han Young Jeong, Sung Won Kim, Kil Hyun Kim
Department of Pediatrics, St. Benedict Hospitial, Busan, Korea
Rh 부적합증에 의한 태아수종 1 례
김인숙, 서성국, 정한영, 김성원, 김길현
부산성분도병원 소아과
We have experienced a case of Hydrops Fetalis due to Rh-incompatibility in 1 day old female neonate. She showed generalized edema, apnea, cyanosis at birth. her mother, whose blood group and type are A and Rh( -), was multiparity. The first and the second baby were died at 4th day after birth. We treated this third baby with exchange transfusion. 0 type, Rh( - ) blood was given, three times. This baby has been following up with good health. We report this case with brief review of some related Iiterature.
Key Words: Hydrops Fetalis, Rh-incompatibility

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