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Clinical Study of Hypocalcemia in Childhood.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1981;24(12):1157-1164.
Published online December 15, 1981.
Clinical Study of Hypocalcemia in Childhood.
J Choi, K Y Yoon, G J Choi, Y C Song, C M Park
Department of Pediatrics Hanyang University College of Medicine
소아기의 저칼슘 혈증에 관한 임상적 연구
최진, 윤기영, 최규종, 송영철, 박종무
한양대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
This is the study of clinical observation on 60 casesof Hypocalcemia, which were admitted to the Pediatric department of Hanyang University College of Medicine during the period of-May 1972 through August 1980. The following results were obtained. 1)The sex incidence revealed slightly male predominance with male to female ratio al out-1.72:1. 2)The age incidence was peaked in the group of age from one day to 12 month of age, numbering 48 cases (79.7%), and among 48 cases, 22 cases (S6.6%) were between one day to 28 day of age. 3) The cardinal symptoms and signs in order of frequency were convulsion (56.6%), carpo-pedal spasm (25%), irritability (23. 3%), Vomiting(23.3%). 4) The perinatal historys were as followed, c-sec. maternal toxemia, prematu rity, difficulty labor, IRDS, and it was significant in early neonate. 5)Among neonate, 6 cases were fed artificially, 3 cases with breast milk feeding. 6)In all cases serum calcium level was below 8 mg% and 25 cases (41. 5%) had 6^7 mg%-of serum calcium. 7) In 39 cases the serum phosphorus above 6 mg%. 8)The predominant possible contributing factors were as followed, prenatal history i early neonate, artificial feeding in late neonate, transient idiopathic hypoparathyroidism in infancy, and infection and nutritional state in child, 9)Among 60 cases, 55 cases were cured after receiving calcium therapy and discharge, 4 cases were self discharged against advice due to economic problem, and 1 cases was expired due to sepsis during theatment.
Key Words: Childhood, Hypocalcemia, Tetany

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