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Utilization Patterns of Pediatric Emergency Room.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1989;32(7):897-914.
Published online July 31, 1989.
Utilization Patterns of Pediatric Emergency Room.
Hann Tchah1, Dork Ro Yun2
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
2Department of Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
소아응급실 이용양상 -서울대학교 소아병원 웅급실에 내원한 환아들에 대한 조사-
차한1, 윤덕로2
1서울대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2서울대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실
Received: 28 November 1988   • Accepted: 12 December 1988
The utilization of pediatric emergency services has increased rapidly in recent years with general recognition of its funtion. The authors reviewed 11,089 patients visiting emergency room of Seoul National University Children’s Hospital during last two years from Jan. 1st 1986 to Dec. 31st 1987. The findings obtained were as follows: 1) There were 5,110 visits in 1986 and 5,979 visits in 1987. First visit was 57.1% of total visits and 21.4% of total patients were between 1 and 3 years of age while 66.5% were below 6 years of age. Male patients were predominant by a ratio of 1.7:1. 2) The number of visits to emergency room increased especially in May and N ovember, and decreased during wintertime. The peak day of visits was Sunday and the peak time of visits of total patients was between noon and 4:00 PM. 3) 74.7% of total patients were Seoul residents and the peak time of visits of first-visit Seoul residents was between 8:00 PM and midnight. Average lengths of stay at emergency room of total and first-visit patients were 4.3 and 4.2 hours respectively. 4) 66.4% of total visits were pediatric patients. Five major diseases were acute nasopharyngits (6. 1%), laceration (4.1%), acute gastroenteritis (4.0%), pharyngotonsillitis (3.7%), FUO (3.4%), and congenital heart disease (3.1%). 5) The major disorders by system were injury and poisoning, diseases of the respiratory system, symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions, diseases of the digestive system, and diseases of the nervous system and sense organs in receding order. 6) The most prevalent age group of injury and poisoning and diseases of the nervous system and sense organs was between 3 and 6 years of age; in case of the digestive system and infectious and parasitic diseases, in infancy; in case of diseases of the respiratory system, between 1 and 3 years of age. 7) 28.7% of total patients were hospitalized (32.3%, in case of first-visit patients). 64.0%of total patients carried medical insurance (58.4%, in case of first-visit patients).
Key Words: Pediatric Emergency Room, Utilization

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