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A Study on the Change of Plasma Renin Activity(PRA) and Aldosterone Concentration(PAC) before and after Heart Operation in Children with Congenital Heart Disease.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1989;32(9):1232-1239.
Published online September 30, 1989.
A Study on the Change of Plasma Renin Activity(PRA) and Aldosterone Concentration(PAC) before and after Heart Operation in Children with Congenital Heart Disease.
Jae Hong You, Jae Ho Lee
Department of Pediatrics, Chungnam National University, College of Medicine, Daejeon, Korea
선천성 심장질환 소아에서 심장수술 전후의 혈장 Renin 활성도 및 Aldosterone 농도에 대한 연구
유재홍, 이재호
충남대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Received: 24 February 1989   • Accepted: 20 April 1989
Thes is a study on changes of plasma renin activity (PRA) and aldosterone concentration (PAC) which was obtained before and after heart operation in 26 normotensive children with congenital heart diseases without renal disease admitted in Chungnam National University Hospital for cardiac catheterization with angiogram and heart operation from Apr. 1988 to Aug. 1988 to confirm any differences of PRA and PAC between groups and to establish their influencing factors. The results were as follows: 1) PRA before operation was higher than that in control group and reduced after operation. 2) The increase in PRA correlated inversely with the increase in mean arterial pressure and linearly with the increase in hematocrit. 3) PRA in group with value of QP/QS above 2.0 was higher than that in group with value of QP/QS under 2.0. 4) PAC before operation was higher than that in control group and reduced after operation. 5) The increase in PAC correlated inversely with the increase in mean arterial pressure and linearly with the increase in hematocrit of cyanotic group. 6) The increase in PAC correlated linerrly with the increase in PRA.
Key Words: Plasma renin activity and aldosterone concentration, Congenital heart disease, Before and after heart operation

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