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Prolonged Fever in Korean Children: Review of 120 Cases.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1990;33(11):1516-1525.
Published online November 30, 1990.
Prolonged Fever in Korean Children: Review of 120 Cases.
Ho Seong Kim, Dong Goo Lee, Dong Soo Kim
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
소아의 장기열
김호성, 이동구, 김동수
연세대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Received: 9 May 1990   • Accepted: 24 July 1990
The authors reviewed the 120 patients with prolonged fever whose temperature was over 38.5°C and of undetermined etiology, who were admitted in Y야isei Medical Center from March 1982 to March 1989. The results were as follows; 1) The children admitted with prolonged fever were 0.3% of total in-patients at the same time. 2) 20 cases were less than 1 year of age on admission and 39 were between 1 and 6 years. The ratio of male to female was 1.5:1. 3) There was no remarkable seasonal variation, but prolonged fever was prevalent in summer time (from May to October). 4) In 87 cases (72.5%), the fever persisted 2 to 3 weeks before admission and in 21 cases (17.5%) lasted longer than a month. Three patterns of fever were observed; intermittent type in 75 cases (62.5%), daily spiking in 28 cases (23.3%) and constant in 17 cases (14.2%). 5) Infections accounted for 72 cases (60%), malignancy for 16 cases (13.3%), collagen diseases for 10 cases (8.3%) and miscellaneous cause for 2 cases (1.7%). Twenty cases remained undiagnosed. Infection was the most common etiology in all age groups. Seventy percent of collagen diseases were in older age group than 6 years old. Malignancy had no age predilection. In infections, sepsis accounted for 23 cases, tuberculosis for 9 cases, infective endocarditis for 6 cases. These three consisted of 52.8% of all infections. Compared to previous reports, tuberculosis and typhoid fever showed a decreasing tendency. 6) The involved organs were as follows; multiple organs accounted for 41 cases (34.2%), hematopoietic system for 13 cases (10.8%), respiratory system for 12 cases (10.0%). The involved organs had no age predilection. 7) Fifty six point seven percent of all cases were diagnosed within a week and defeverscent period was a week in 27.5%. Thirty point eight percent of all cases was discharged within 2 weeks of admission. 8) Careful history taking and repeated physical examination were helpful in 76 cases (63.3%). Routine CBC, urinalysis, chest P-A were helpful in 25 cases (20.8%). Among 120 bacterial culture studies, 35 cases (29.2%) were positive on blood culture, 12 cases (10.0%) on urine culture, 15 cases (12. 5%) on stool culture. More specific studies were considered according to the progress of the disease and were absolutely helpful for more accurate diagnosis. 9) The outcome were as follows; 89 cases (74.2%) were improved, 22 cases (18.3%) discharged without improvement and 9 cases (7.5%) expired.
Key Words: Prolonged fever

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