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The quality control and acceptability of spirometry in preschool children

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2009;52(11):1267-1272.
Published online November 15, 2009.
The quality control and acceptability of spirometry in preschool children
Hyun Kyong Seo, Sun Jung Chang, Da Woon Jung, Young Sun Wee, Hye Mi Jee, Ji Young Seo, Man Yong Han
Department of Pediatrics, CHA University School of Medicine, Seongnam, Korea
학동 전기 소아에서 폐활량 측정의 질관리와 성공률
서현경, 장선정, 정다운, 위영선, 지혜미, 서지영, 한만용
차의과학대학 분당차병원 소아청소년과학교실
Man Yong Han, Email: drmesh@gmail.com
: We examined the ability of preschool aged children to meet the American Thoracic Society (ATS) and European Resiratory Society (ERS) goals for spirometry quality and tried to find out the major factor for improving the rate of success of spiromety test in this age group.
: Spirometry was performed in 2-6 aged 155 children with chronic cough or suspicious asthma with the recording of maneuver quality measures of forced expiratory time, end-of-test volume, back-extrapolated volume (Vbe), and forced vital capacity (FVC), as well as flow-volume curve. The subjects were tested several times and the two best results in each subject were selected. All criteria for quality control were suggested by ATS/ERS guidelines. The criteria for starting of the test was Vbe <80 mL and Vbe/FVC <12.5%. The criteria for repeatability of the test was that second highest FVC and FEV1 are within 100 ml or 10% of the highest value, whichever is greater. For the criteria for termination of the test for preschool aged children, we evaluated the flow-volume curve
: As getting older, the success rate of spirometry increased and rapidly increased after 3 years old. Total success rate of the test was 59.4% (2 years old - 14.3%, 3 years old - 53.7%, 4 years old - 65.1%, 5 years old - 69.7%, 6 years old- 70.8%). The percentage of failure to meet the criteria for starting the test was 6.5%, repeatability of the test was 12.3% and end of the test was 31%. There was a significant difference only in age between success group and failure group. Evaluating the quality control criteria of previous studies, the success rate increased with age.
: About 60% of preschool aged children met ATS/ERS goals for spirometry test performance and the success rate was highly correlated with age. It is clearly needed that developing more feasible and suitable criteria for quality control of spirometry test in preschool aged children.
Key Words: Child, Preschool, Quality Control, Spirometry

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