A study on the incidence of anemia according to feeding patterns
and the status of weaning diet |
Hyun Ji Kim, Mee Yong Shin, Sung Shin Kim, Jae Ock Park, Chang Hwi Kim |
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University, Bucheon, Korea |
수유 방법에 따른 빈혈의 빈도 및 이유식이에 대한 조사 |
김현지, 신미용, 김성신, 박재옥, 김창휘 |
순천향대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실 |
Abstract |
Purpose Iron-deficiency anemia remains the most common nutritional deficiency in young infants. This study aimed to survey
the actual condition of feeding patterns and weaning diet and to study the association between these factors and the
prevalence of anemia in infants aged over 9 months.
Methods We studied 171 infants aged 9-24 months who were hospitalized in the general ward with mild to moderate acute
illnesses. The mothers answered a questionnaire about the feeding patterns and the status of the weaning diet of their infants.
The infants were divided into three groups: infants who were exclusively breast-fed, those who had been given mixed feeding,
and artificial milk feeders.
Results The incidence of anemia was significantly higher in exclusively breast-fed infants (23/68, 33.8%) than in the infants
with mixed feeding (11/62, 17.7%) and artificial milk feeders (5/41, 12.1%). The mothers‘ awareness about the state of their
infants weaning diet was not related to the presence of anemia in the exclusively breast-fed infants. About 70% of the infants
had started the weaning diet before age 6 months in all three groups, without any difference according to feeding patterns.
Conclusion The incidence of anemia was significantly higher in the breast-fed group than in the other infants. Many mothers
of breast-fed infants with anemia also believed that their infants were taking sufficient weaning foods. Therefore, further education
of the mothers about iron-rich weaning foods and the importance of iron intake during infancy is needed to prevent anemia,
especially in breast-fed infants. |
Key Words:
Anemia, Feeding pattern, Infant |