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Effectiveness of head-up tilt test for the diagnosis of syncope in children and adolescents

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2009;52(7):798-803.
Published online July 15, 2009.
Effectiveness of head-up tilt test for the diagnosis of syncope in children and adolescents
Ka-Young Yu1, Ji-Hye Choi1, Chun Ja Yoo2, Kyoung Suk Rhee2, Chan Uhng Joo1
1Department of Pediatrics, Chonbuk National University Medical School, Jeonbuk, Korea
2Department of Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Center, Chonbuk National University Medical School and Institute of Cardiovascular Research, Jeonbuk, Korea
소아청소년 실신 환자에서 기립 경사 검사의 유용성
유가영1, 최지혜1, 유춘자2, 이경석2, 주찬웅1
1전북대학교 의학전문대학원 소아과학교실
2전북대학교 의학전문대학원 내과학교실
Chan Uhng Joo, Email: joocu@chonbuk.ac.kr
: We aimed to examine the effectiveness of the head-up tilt test (HUT) for the diagnosis of syncope or presyncope in children and adolescents.
: HUT results and clinical features of 160 children and adolescents with syncope or presyncope were studied from May 2003 through March 2008 at the Chonbuk National University Hospital. The children and adolescents were subjected to 70¡Æ HUT for 45 minutes. The testees were divided into 2 groups: group I (children) comprising 39 children in the age range 7-12 years (mean, 10.59¡¾1.60 years) and group II (adolescents) comprising 121 adolescents in the age range 13-20 years (mean, 15.93¡¾2.28 years). Positive result rates of the HUT and types of hemodynamic response to the test in the 2 groups were compared.
: Of the 160 testees, 92 (57.5%) showed positive HUT results; they showed 3 patterns of response to tilting. Twelve patients showed a predominantly vasodepressor response; 10 patients showed a cardioinhibitory response; and 70 patients showed a mixed response. The positive result rates were 43.6% (17/39) and 62.0% (75/121) in groups I and II, respectively. Mixed response was the predominant positive hemodynamic response in both the groups.
: The HUT is a useful diagnostic tool for evaluating the condition of pediatric patients, including adolescents, with syncope. Further, it may be considered as the first step for evaluating the condition of such patients.
Key Words: Head-up tilt test, Syncope, Vasovagal, Children, Adolescents

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