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Atopic dermatitis

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2006;49(6):589-592.
Published online June 15, 2006.
Atopic dermatitis
Bok Yang Pyun
Department of Pediatrics, Soon Chun Hyang University Hospital, Seoul, Korea
순천향대학교병원 소아과
Bok Yang Pyun, Email: bypyun@hosp.sch.kr
Atopic dermatitis is estimated to affect 15-20% of the childhood population and there id considerable evidence that the prevalence is increasing. But it is frequently under diagnosed and inappropriately treated yet. Atopic dermatitis can have a large social;. emotional and financial effect on the child and their family. Atopic dermatitis also commonly predated the development of asthma and allergic rhinitis. Therefore early diagnosis and proper treatment are the key for control the atopic dermatitis itself and modify the future repiratory allergies. This review will cover the new diagnostic criteria and treatment briefly.
Key Words: Atopic dermatitis , New diagnostic criteria , Topical corticosteroids

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