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Significance of Creatine Kinase Isoenzymes for Neurologic Outcome in Perinatal Asphyxia

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1996;39(7):924-933.
Published online July 15, 1996.
Significance of Creatine Kinase Isoenzymes for Neurologic Outcome in Perinatal Asphyxia
Mi Kyung Son, Eun Sik Kang, Sun Hi Jung, Kyuchul Choeh
Department of Pediatrics, Eulji General Hospital, Taejon, Korea
신생아 가사의 신경학적 예후에 관한 Creatine Kinase Isoenzyme의 의의
손미경, 강은식, 정순이, 최규철
대전을지병원 소아과
: To investigate the usefulness of the serum Creatine kinase(CK), especially brain typical creatine kinase(CK-BB) as an indicator of brain damage extent, mortality and long term nurologic sequelae, the study was done.
: CK and CK isoenzyme activites were measured at 6-10 hours after birth in 160 asphyxiated newborn infants who admitted in Eulji General Hospital from August 1990 to July 1994. Infants were followed up for 1 years after birth to evaluate survival and neurologic outcome.
: 1) There was low correlation between CK-BB and 5 minute Apgar score(r=0.245, p=0.0026). 2) There was intermediate correlation between CK-BB and Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) (r=0.470, p<0.0001). 3) Infants who died within 24 hours after birth had significantly higher CK-BB activity(144.9¡¾ 98.5U/L) than survivors(82.2¡¾159U/L), (p=0.0160). Infants who died within 72 hours after birth had significantly higher CK-BB activity(130.2¡¾108.4U/L) than survivors(80.5¡¾161.1U/L), (p= 0.0209) 4) Infants who died within 24 hours after birth had significantly higher CK-BB%(23.4¡¾17.4%) than survivors(9.6¡¾11.9%), (p=0.0042). Infants who died within 72 hours after birth had significantly higher CK-BB%(20.0¡¾15.4%) than survivors(9.3¡¾11.8%), (p= 0.0027). Infants who died within 28 days after birth had significantly higher CK-BB% (12.7¡¾13.4%) than survivors (9.7¡¾12.3%), (p=0.0500). 5) In the cases of neonatal seizure in 24-48 hours after birth, CK-BB was higher than in the cases of no seizure or seizure in 48 hours after birth. 6) CK-BB was well correlated to the grade of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. 7) CK-BB, CK-BB% and 5 minute Apgar score showed similar positive and negative predictive values for survival rate, abnormal findings of imaging studies and neurologic outcomes.
: CK-BB is a good predictive value for the death within 24 and 72 hours after birth and the neonatal seizure in 24-48 hours after birth. CK-BB% is a good predictive value of the death within 24, 72 hours and 28 days after birth. CK-BB, CK-BB% and 5 minute Apgar score showed similar predictivity for neurologic outcomes during 1 years after birth.
Key Words: Creatine kinase(CK), Isoenzyme, CK-BB, Perinatal or birth asphyxia

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