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Normal Values for Neonatal Periumbilical Skin Length

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1994;37(7):924-927.
Published online July 15, 1994.
Normal Values for Neonatal Periumbilical Skin Length
Young Pyo Chang, Hyung Suk Lim, Hye Won Park, Woong Huem Kim, Hee Ju Kim
Department of Pediatrics, Seoul City Boramae Hospital, Seoul, Korea
신생아 제대주변 피부길이의 정상치에 관한 연구
장영표, 임형석, 박혜원, 김웅흠, 김희주
서울시립 보라매병원 소아과
Malformations of umbilicus are feature of many dysmorphic syndromes and the measurement of periumbilical skin length should be considered as the basic step in the description of the umbilical malformations. So, we measured the periumbilical skin length in the 103 normal neonates and obtained the following results. 1) The means(+SD) of the periumbilical skin length were the 11.7mm(+3.0)in the cranial site and the 8.2mm(+2.5)in the caudal site, and the cranial length was 3.5mm longer than the caudal length. 2) No difference was observed between the male and female groups in the periumbilical skin length. 3) Age was the only statistically significant Variable associated with the periumbilical skin length and it was observed that the periumbilical skin length decreased according to the advance of age(hour).
Key Words: Periumbilical skin length, Normal newborn

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