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Volume 14(3); Mar 1971
Original Articles
Experimental studies on the effects of osmotic stimulations upon urine volume in the midbrain
Sung Woo Shin
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1971;14(3):125-162.   Published online March 31, 1971
Midbrain is regarded as a higher center which controls hypothalamus in general and in water and electrolytes regulations as well. The author observed the changes of urine volume by osmotic stimulations around the midbrain of rabbits. Korean domestic white male rabbits weighing 1. 8 kg. were gavaged with 2% sodium chloride solution, 100 ml 3 times hourly for hydration before...
Clinical Studies of Leukemia in Childhood
Jwa Sin Kim, Young Ho Lieu, Keun Chan Sohn, Keun Soo Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1971;14(3):163-170.   Published online March 31, 1971
A total of 74 cases of leukemia in children who were admitted at The National Medical Center from January 1960 to July 1969 were anaysed clinically and hematologically. 1.The incidence of leukemia was about 4 per 1, 000 patients who admitted during the same period. 2.Male patients were more prevalent being male to female ratio 2. 7:1. 3.The 6~7 year...
An Evaluation for C.S.F. Glucose by Uristix
B.C. Lee, J.S. Oh, H.S. Lee, D.H. Shin
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1971;14(3):171-174.   Published online March 31, 1971
Ninty two C.S.F. samples were screened for glucose at Dept, of Pediatrics of Taegu Presbyterian Hospital by Benedict’s test. Using measured quantaties of C.S.F. and uristix designed originally for urine glucose. The following results were obtained. 1.Uristix reading of moderate or greater and color changes in 3 or more tubes in the Benedicfs test were similarly specific in identifying normal value....
The Clinical Statistical observation of Congenital Syphilis
Buem Soo Roh, Kyung Ja Lee, Yong II Lee, Sang Jhoo Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1971;14(3):175-180.   Published online March 31, 1971
The authors observed 31 cases of congenital syphilis in the newborn and infants treated at pediatric ward of Han-Il Hospital during the period from Jan. 1965 to Feb. 1671. The results are as follows. 1)The number of patients was 31 cases, 23 in male and 8 in female. 2)The incidence of congenital syphilis in the newborn infants who were delivered...
Case Reports
A case of renal carbuncle
Duk Hi Kim, Moon Hee Yang, Dong Shik Chin
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1971;14(3):181-184.   Published online March 31, 1971
We have reported a case o£ 10 year old boy having a renal carbuncle which is very rare disease and reviewed literatures. Diagnosis has been established by clinical symptoms and signs, including irregular high fever and tender, egg-sized mass on the left costovertebral area, IVP and renal scanning. The patient was completely cured after drainage following incision and antibiotic therapy for...
X-ray of This Month
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1971;14(3):185-185.   Published online March 31, 1971
E.K.G. of This Month
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1971;14(3):186-186.   Published online March 31, 1971
Abstracts from Foreign Literature
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1971;14(3):187-188.   Published online March 31, 1971
Literature Index of Foreign Journals
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1971;14(3):189-190.   Published online March 31, 1971
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