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Clinical Studies of Purulent Meningitis in Infant and Children.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1983;26(4):304-314.
Published online April 30, 1983.
Clinical Studies of Purulent Meningitis in Infant and Children.
Sung Ho Chang, Young Gun Kim, Beak Keun Lim, Jong Soo Kim
Department of Pediatrics,Wonju Christian Hospital, Yonsei University Korea
소아 화농성 뇌막염의 임상적 관찰
장성호, 김영건, 임백근, 김종수
연세대학교 부속 원주기독병원 소아화학교실
A clinical study of bacterial meningitis in. 126 cases occurred in the age under 15 year admitted to the department of Pediatrics at Wonju Christsan Hospital, Yonsei University was made from Jan. 1, 1972 to Dec. 31, 1981. The results are as follows. 1) Among the 126 cases. 83 cases (65.9%) were male and 43 cases (34.1%) were female The sex ratio was about 1.9 : 1. 2) Age incidence was highest in the first year of life. 2/3 of all was in the age under 5 year. 3) Most cases occurred in the spring and early summur. 4) Most frequent symptom was fever(88.9%), and followed by vomiting(69.8%), change of conciousness, convulsion. And most frequent physical sign, was neck stiffness (62.7%), followed by kernig’s sign, brudzinski's sign. 6) CSF finding showed increased cell count (71.4% was over 1,000/mm3), decreased sugar level (70.4% was below 40 mg/dl), increased protein level (75.4% was over 100 mg/dl). 7) Of 126 cases causative organism were cultured from CSF of 32 cases (25.4%). Streptococcus pneumoniae was most common (17 cases), and followed by Neisseria meningitidis (6cases), Streptococci(4 cases), Hemophilus influenzae(2 cases), Staphylococci(2 cases). 8) On admission, 40.5% of the cases had a history of preexisting illness or associated disease and U.R.I. was the most frequent disease. 9) Causative organism were cultured relatively small in number in the antibiotic received group before admission compare to not received. But it was not significant in statistically Other CSF finding showed little difference between them. 10) Result of treatment: 49.2% of the cases improved or recovered, 11.9% expired, 4.0% remained with sequelae. 34.9% of the cases was discharged before improved or expired.
Key Words: Clinical Study, Purulent Meningitis.

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