A Clinical Observation of Anemia in Children. |
Tae Sook Kim, Sang Bae Jeon, Bok Yang Pyun |
Dept, of Pediatrics, Young Dung Po City Hospital, Seoul, Korea |
시립병원 소아과 입원 환아의 빈혈에 관한 임상적 고찰 |
金泰淑, 全相培, 片復陽 |
시립영등포병원 소아과 |
Abstract |
We have observed clinically about 161 cases of anemia among 251 patients who were admitted to Y.D.P.C.H.
The results were obtained as follows: 1)The incidence of anemia among total admitted patients (251) was 64.1% (161 cases). These were grouped into mild & moderate anemia(58.2%) and severe anemia (5.9%) on the
base of hemoglobin level. 2)The sex ratio was aproximatly 1.5 : 1 (male : female), but it was same as that of admitted patients. 3)The peak age distribution of mild & moderate anemia was in preschool period(2~6yrs), and that of severe anemia was in infancy & childhood(1 Mo.~2 yrs). 4)The body percentile belongs below 50 percentile in most cases(52.8%). 5)Most of cases were medical protect cases(51.6%) and these reflect socioeconomic status
was very important factors on anemia. 6)Precipitating factors of anemia were infection, hematologic disease, and U.G.I. bleeding in order.
Key Words:
Anemia, Socioeconomic status |