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A Clinical Study of Type A Hepatitis Confirmed by IgM Anti-HAV.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1984;27(8):778-785.
Published online August 31, 1984.
A Clinical Study of Type A Hepatitis Confirmed by IgM Anti-HAV.
Oh Kyung Lee1, Sung Seek Lee1, Keun Chul Choi1, Myung Ho Lee1, Sook Ja Park2
1Depart, of Pediatrics Jeonju Presbyterian Medical Center
2Depart, of Clinical Pathology, Jeonju Presbyterian Medical Center
IgM anti-HAV 로 확진된 A형 간염에 대한 임상적 고찰
이오경1, 이성식1, 최근철1, 이명호1, 박숙자2
1전주예수병원 소아과
2전주예수병원 임상병리과
79 children with Type A Hepatitis who were admitted to the pediatric department of the Presbyterian Medical Center from April 1, 1983 to October 31, 1983 were clinically analized and we report the following result. 1) Type A Hepatitis occupied 8% of total in patients and 88% of total Hepatitis patients. 2)The peak age incidence was between 7 and 9 years of age(29%) and sex incidence revealed a male predominence with the ratio of 1.3:1. 3)The chief complaints on admission were anorexia(71%) and dark colored urine(63%) and physical findings on admission were hepatomegaly(70%) and Jaundice(75%). 4)Icteric form is more frequent than anicteric one (3:1) and the later showed shorter duraticn of illness than the ormer prior to admission. 5)The hematologic findings were as follows: total Leukocyte count and percent of lymphocyte were within normal limit, the ESR was increased in most cases(85%). The level of serum IgM was increased than normal meal levels. 6)In liver function test, it reached peak during the first week of the illness and by the erd week of illness, they returned to nearly normal level.
Key Words: Hepatitis A, IgM Anti-HAV

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