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Influence of Isoproterenol on the Plasma Renin Activity in Rats.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1985;28(9):899-905.
Published online September 30, 1985.
Influence of Isoproterenol on the Plasma Renin Activity in Rats.
Woong Kyou Park1, Yong Bae Shin1, In soo Choi1, Hyeon Suk Lee1, Jung Soo Kim1, Kyung Woo Cho2
1Department of Pediatrics, Jeonbug National University,Medical School
2Department of Physiology, Jeonbug National University,Medical School
ISOPROTERENOL 投與에 의 한 血藥 RENIN 活性의 變動
박웅규1, 신용배1, 최인수1, 이현숙1, 김정수1, 조경우2
1전북대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2전북대학교 의과대학 생리학교실
It has been suggested that the effect of catecholamine administered into the renal artery on the plasma renin activity may be controlled by extrarenal beta-receptor. Still the exact mechanism responsible for the increase of the plasma renin activity by catecholamines is obscure. In this experiment I have intended to clarify the involvement of extrarenal beta-receptor concerning renin release in the rat. Systemic intravenous or intrarenal arterial infusion of isoproterenol increased plasma renin activity. The responses were dose dependent. Intrarenal areterial infusion of isoproterenol increased plasma renin activity less than the intravenous doses4 The difference of the responses between intrarenal and intravenous isoproterenol was found in the Wistar rat. The difference was not significant in the Sprague-Dawley rats. The above results suggest that the rat model is reasonable to the investigate the extrarenal beta-receptor controlling renin release, and that there are strain variations in the extrarenal or intrarenal or intrarenal betareceptor concerning renin release.
Key Words: Isoproterenol, Plasma renin activity

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