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Clinical Study of Therapeutic Effect in Status Epilepticus.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1986;29(1):72-78.
Published online January 31, 1986.
Clinical Study of Therapeutic Effect in Status Epilepticus.
Young Hyuk Lee, Chang Jun Coe
Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University, College of Medicine
간질지 속상태 (Status Epilepticus) 의 치료효과에 관한 임상적 고찰
이영혁, 고창준
연세대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실 허약아동 연구소
A clinical studies were conducted to determine the effectiveness of anticonvulsant treatment in 90 cases of status epilepticus in children who had been admitted to Pediatric Department of Yonsei University Medical Center from January 1979 to July 1984. The results were obtained as follows: 1) The incidence was 9.9% of epileptics who visit to our clinic at the same period of time. 2) In 38 cases (42.2%), status epilepticus was the first attack of seizure. In 45 cases of 52 who had previous seizure history, status epilepticus developed within 5 years after the last attack of seizure. 3) The most common type was generalized tonic-clonic seizure (61.1%). 4) The neurologic sequelae were noted in 15 cases(16.1%),death or discharged against advice without improvement were noted in 17 cases (18.9%). 5) Patients who were having seizure more than 12 hours, the prognosis (mortality and sequelae) was getting poor. So it is essential to attempt to cease the status epilepticus as soon as possible. 6) If the status epilepticus is not able to control by usual way, it would be worthwhile to attempt valium dripping intravenously or general anesthesia may be indicated. 7) The neurologic sequelae were mental deterioration in 7 cases (36.8%), bizarre behavior in 4 cases (21.0%), etc.
Key Words: Status epilepticus, Valium drip.

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