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A Case of Gastroenteritis Complicated with Empyema of Gall Bladder Caused by Salmonella Serogroup B.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1986;29(2):221-224.
Published online February 28, 1986.
A Case of Gastroenteritis Complicated with Empyema of Gall Bladder Caused by Salmonella Serogroup B.
Dong Soo Kim1, Ki Sup Chung1, Dong Shik Chin1, Seung Hoon Choi2, Eui Ho Hwang2
1Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University College of Medicine
2Department of Pediatric Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine
살모델라위장염에 합병된 담낭축농 1례
김동수1, 정기섭1, 진동식1, 최승훈2, 황의호2
1연세대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2연세대학교 의과대학 소아외과학교실
There are four main groups of clinical manifestations in salmonellosis, gastroenteritis。 enteric fever, localized infection, and chronic carrier state, that may occur individually, simultaneously or consecutively in the course of an infection. The authors experienced a case of salmonella gastroenteritis complicated with empyema of gall bladder in a 12-year-old male patient. The clinical diagnosis was confirmed on the operating table and the:bacteriologic diagnosis was made from the material taken in situ and stool. We reviewed the literatures briefly.
Key Words: Salmonellosis, Gastroenteritis, Empyema of Gall Bladder

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