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Neurological Assessment of Children with Learning Disable, Studying Disable, Studying Special Class at Primary School.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1986;29(5):510-516.
Published online May 31, 1986.
Neurological Assessment of Children with Learning Disable, Studying Disable, Studying Special Class at Primary School.
Chang Jun Coe
Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University College of Medicine
학습장애아에 대한 의학적 평가에 관한 연구
연세대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실 장애아 연구소
1) Neurological assessment has been done in children with learning disorders, who are rological problems. The high incidence of neurologic defect is thought that those children are not purely child with learning disorder but many of them are handicapped children as well as mentally retarded ones. Neurological problems they manifested are organic brain dysfunction, children with severe psychological roblem, attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity, dysarticulation as well as visual motor perception defect and acalculia. By this study, it is essential that medical assessment is the most important to investigate their defect and classify those children. 2) 23% of those children manifested their IQ by Korean WISC test is below 70, which is hardely educable. And those children probably requires special education rather than studying in usual class room. 3) Children with special learning disorder may be better to make groups according to their defect for effective education such as children with dysarticulation may spend more time for pronounciation or speech therapy for effective education. 4) Children with learning disorder usually developes psychological problems, some times psychiatricl problems or inadequate environment may causes learning disables. It would be better to have well experienced psychologist working at school helping their psychological problems. 5) Those children studying at primary school almost isolated from their peer w from other classes, which meanes the children with learning disorders are loosing the oppotunity to socialize or they may developes anxiety by being isolated from their peers. This could be another factor which may causes psychological problems. I would think that it should emphasize to school children helping and not being prejudice is as important as competition with other peer. Probably it is not the only problem of primary school but the one of our society.
Key Words: Learing disorder, Neurologic assessment, ADD.H. acalculia, Visual perception defect.

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