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Twelves Cases of Thyroid Carcinoma in Children.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1986;29(6):661-667.
Published online June 30, 1986.
Twelves Cases of Thyroid Carcinoma in Children.
Yong Woo Choi, Myung Ho Cho, O Kyung Lee, Myung Ho Lee
Department of Pediatrics, Presbyterian Medical Center, Chonju
소아 갑상선암 12례
최용우, 조명호, 이오경, 이명호
전주예수병원 소아과
We obtained following results by analysis of 12 cases of thyroid carcinoma in patient under 15 years of age who were admitted to Presbyterian Medical Center, Chon-ju from January 1975 to December 1984. 1) The ratio between male and female patients was 1 : 3. Patients over 12 years of age totalled 7 cases(58.3%). The youngest patient was 5 years and 5 months of age. 2) The most common symptoms and signs were palpable mass in the anterior neck (all cases). The next in order of frequency were cervival lymphadenopathy(41.7%), palpitation (25%), dyspnea and hoarseness. 3) The locations of the lesions were 16.7% in right lobe, 25% in left lobe, 58.3%, in both lobe. 33% of thyroid carcinoma patients had nodularity of the thyroid gland. 4) Thyroid scanning revealed cold nodules in 91.7% of cases and warm nodules in 8.3%. 5) Pathologic types of thyroid carcinoma were as follows; papillary adenocarcinoma, 66.7 % follicular adenocarcinoma, 25% and mixed type, 8.3%. 6) The types of operation these patients had were follows: radical neck dissection & total thyroidectomy, 41.7% left or right thyroidectomy & modified neck dissection, 50% and right thyroidectomy only, 8.3%. Thyroxine was used in all cases after operation. Calcium supplements were necessary in 5 cases(41.7%). I181 irradiation was used in combination with surgery in 2 cases. One case with lung metastasis expired within 1 year after visiting our hospital. 9 cases were observed and followed for an average of 4 years 7 months until December 1984.
Key Words: Thyroid carcinoma, Children, pathologic types.

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