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Factors Associated with Pneumothorax in Hyaline Membrane Disease In fants Receiving Mechanical Ventilation.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1989;32(12):1642-1649.
Published online December 31, 1989.
Factors Associated with Pneumothorax in Hyaline Membrane Disease In fants Receiving Mechanical Ventilation.
Oh Kyung Lee, Kyung Hee Kim, Kyu Sun Choi, Wan Seoub Kim
Department of Pediatrics, Presbyterian Medical Center, Chonju, Korea
호흡기 치료를 받은 유리질막증 환아에서의 폐기흉발생에 관련된 인자에 대한 연구
이오경, 김경희, 최규선, 김완섭
전주 예수병원 소아과
Received: 11 May 1989   • Accepted: 5 September 1989
We observed 42 cases of neonates, who were diagnosed as having Hyaline membrane disease and had been received mechanical ventilation in neonatal intensive care unit of Presbyterian medical center from July 1984 to July 1988. In order to observe the factors associated with pneumothorax, we devide these cases in two groups. First group was consists of infants with pneumothorax, second group was consists of infants without pneumothorax. And followings were obtained: 1) The incidence of pneumothorax in Hyaline membrane disease was 11.5%. 2) The survival rate in Hyaline membrane disease infants receiving mechanical ventilation was 61% and there was no difference in survival rate between two groups. 3) Gestational age, birth weight, sex, perinatal events, mode of ventilation, start of ventilation therapy, ventilation setting and severity of lung disease were not related to development of pneumoth- orax, but pulmonary interstitial emphysema was a good indicator of pneumothorax.
Key Words: Hyaline membrane disease, pneumothorax, pulmonary interstitial emphysema.

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