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A Case of Pancreatoblastoma with Metastasis of the Liver.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1990;33(5):684-689.
Published online May 31, 1990.
A Case of Pancreatoblastoma with Metastasis of the Liver.
Dae Sung Oh1, Yong Won Paik1, Jae Sun Park1, Kyung Hyun Choi2, Man Ha Huh3
1Department of Pediatrics, Kosin Medical College, Pusan, Korea
2Department of General Surgery, Kosin Medical College, Pusan, Korea
3Department of Pathology, Kosin Medical College, Pusan, Korea
간에 전이 병소를 보인 췌아세포종 치험 1례
오대성1, 백용운1, 박재선1, 최경현2, 허만하3
1고신의과대학 의학부 소아과학교실
2고신의과대학 의학부 일반외과학교실
3고신의과대학 의학부 병리학교실
Received: 20 October 1989   • Accepted: 10 November 1989
We experenced a case of pancreatoblastoma in a 6 years old Korean male who was admmited to the pediatric department because of an abdominal mass and pathologically diagnosed following surgical removal. Microscopically, the resected mass was composed of small sized tumor cells arranged in glandular or acini structure with multifoci of squamoid corpuscle. Extensive hemorrhagic necrosis was another feature. Ultrastructucturally, two types of cells, dark and clear, were seen as component cells of the tumor. Microvilli and elctron dense zymogen-like granules were seen. Wipple*s operation was done. Hepatic metastasis were detected two times radiologically at 7 month and 34 month after first complete resection and each metastasis was following by remission with chemotherapy and/or partial hepatic resection. The patient is alive for 17 months after third remis- sion. The review of literatures was made briefly.
Key Words: Pancreatoblastoma, Liver metastasis

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