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A study on the immune reaction to the milk protein antigens in the postpartum mother, newborn baby, and children.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1991;34(11):1547-1558.
Published online November 30, 1991.
A study on the immune reaction to the milk protein antigens in the postpartum mother, newborn baby, and children.
Soo chul Cho, Ju Hyung Kim, Hong Ro Lee, Jong San Lee, Pyoung Han Hwang, Jung Soo Kim
Department of Pediatrics, Chonbuk National University Medical School, Chonju, Korea
산모와 신생아 및 소아연령에서 우유 단백항원의 면역반응에 관한 연구
조수철, 김주형, 이홍로, 이종산, 황평한, 김정수
전북대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Received: 11 April 1991   • Accepted: 5 July 1991
There is continuing interest in the isotype response of human serum antibodies reactive with dietary proteins. This study was performed to clarify the humoral immune responses against cow’s milk proteins, 分-lactoglobulin and a-lactalbumin. Milk protein specific IgG, IgA, IgM, and IgG subclasses were measured using ELISA in the blood of various groups of age. The results were as follows: 1) Milk protein specific immunoglobulins were higher in maternal blood compare to cord blood. 2) 分-lactoglobulin was revealed more immunogenic than a-lactalbumin. 3) IgG levels specific to 分-lactoglobulin and a-lactalbumin were highest at 6—12 months and 1 〜2 years of age respectively, after then they were gradually decreased. Changes of IgA and IgM levels were similar to that of IgG. 4) In children of 6 〜 24 months of age, IgG levels specific to 分-lactoglobulin and a-lactalbumin were significantly higher in sera of children fed on cow milk formula before 4 months of age than fed on minimal cow milk formula or formula fed after 4 months of age. 5) All IgG subclasses were involved with individual isotype variations. 6) In lymphocyte stimulation test, using specific and nonspecific stimulators, 3H-thymidine uptake was higher in maternal blood compare to that of cord blood.
Key Words: Cow's milk protein, beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactabumin, Immunoglobulins

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