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Child sexual abuse and pediatricians

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2009;52(11):1200-1206.
Published online November 15, 2009.
Child sexual abuse and pediatricians
Insil Lee
Department of Pediatrics, National Police Hospital, Seoul, Korea
아동 성학대 대응체계와 소아청소년과 의사의 역할
국립경찰병원 소아청소년과
Insil Lee, Email: insleemd@hotmail.com
Child sexual abuse is not a rarely encountered problem. Child sexual abuse is a pediatric disease entity with lifelong impact. Child sexual abuse, different from sexual assault, is not always accompanied by violent force and usually repeated over a period of time. Child sexual abuse should be approached by multidisciplinary team experts. Every pediatrician should know the child protection network in his district and be competent in the child sexual abuse medical evaluation and treatment as a primary doctor. In order to accomplish that goal, the Korean Pediatric Society should change the pediatric residency training curriculum and foster child sexual abuse experts. Pediatricians have responsibilities to do their active role in response to children at risk.
Key Words: Child sexual abuse, Pediatrician, Medical evaluation

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