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Peritoneal dialysis in children and adolescents

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2009;52(10):1069-1074.
Published online October 15, 2009.
Peritoneal dialysis in children and adolescents
Il Soo Ha
Department of Pediatrics and Kidney Research Institute, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
소아의 복막투석
서울대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실, 신장연구소
Il Soo Ha, Email: ilsooha@snu.ac.kr
Peritoneal dialysis is a preferred modality of replacement therapy in children and adolescents with end-stage renal disease waiting for kidney transplantation. Recent development of pediatric swan-neck catheters with cuffs, novel dialysis solutions, and cyclers for automated peritoneal dialysis enabled more flexible prescriptions of dialysis with less complication, and improved patients' activities as well as the dialysis adequacy. Principles and practical issues of chronic peritoneal dialysis in children and adolescents are reviewed and utility of a web-based Korean Pediatric CRF Registry is explained.
Key Words: Peritoneal dialysis, Children, Adolescents, End-stage renal disease

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