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A survey of parental knowledge of vaccination

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2006;49(3):251-257.
Published online March 15, 2006.
A survey of parental knowledge of vaccination
Jung Woo Rhim1, Chang Hwi Kim1, Won Bae Lee2, Jin Han Kang2
1Department of Pediatrics, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Bucheon
2Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine,The Catholic University of Korea
예방접종에 대한 부모의 인식에 관한 조사
임정우1, 김창휘1, 이원배2, 강진한2
1순천향대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2가톨릭대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Chang Hwi Kim, Email: peddoon@schbc.ac.kr
: In this study, we created a questionnaire and collected answers concerning actual conditions of vaccination and parents' knowledge of vaccination issues, in order to find false knowledge of patients. We tried to give correct information and suggested the role of the pediatrician.
: We made questionnaires and collected answers from 466 parents from March 2004 to June 2004.
: Places of vaccination were pediatric clinics(49.4 percent), health centers(27.7 percent), general/university hospitals(15.0 percent) and other clinics(4.9 percent). We found 38.8 percent of parents thought that the reason for vaccination at pediatric clinics was a belief of speciality, even though there is no difference in the vaccination itself. We also found 15.0 percent of parents thought that there were no differences between pediatricians and other physicians, but 52.0 percent of parents wanted to receive vaccination at pediatric clinics in the future. Our study also found that 62.4 percent of parents wanted to make out a preliminary questionnaire for vaccination. Many parents got vaccination information from vaccination record books(57.9 percent), and 52.6 percent of parents incorrectly believed that Hib vaccination could prevent all kinds of meningitis.
: Our study suggests that pediatricians need to make efforts to give out correct information. It is necessary to use preliminary questionnaires for vaccination and correct vaccination information should be written on the vaccination record book. Also, there needs to be counselling with parents about weaning, growth and development at the time of vaccination, and to point out the differences between pediatricians and other physicians.
Key Words: Parents , Vaccination , Knowledge

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