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Fine needle aspiration cytology of enlarged lymph nodes in children and adolescents

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2006;49(2):167-172.
Published online February 15, 2006.
Fine needle aspiration cytology of enlarged lymph nodes in children and adolescents
Seung Min Lee1, Yoon Jung Oh1, Yong Hoon Jun1, Young Jin Hong1, Byong Kwan Son1, Soon Ki Kim1, Jee Young Han1, Young Chae Chu2
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Inha University, Incheon, Korea
2Department of Pathologic, College of Medicine, Inha University, Incheon, Korea
소아 및 청소년에 있어서 림프절 종대에 대한 미세침 흡인 세포검사법
이승민1, 오윤정1, 전용훈1, 홍영진1, 손병관1, 김순기1, 한지영1, 주영채2
1인하대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2인하대학교 의과대학 해부병리학교실
Soon Ki Kim, Email: pedkim@inha.ac.kr
: Palpable lymph nodes are common in the pediatric population, and most of them are either inflammatory or congenital. As the diagnostic evaluation, fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is known to be more convenient and economical than tissue biopsy. We evaluated the usefulness of FNAC in children and adolescents.
: Four hundred and thirteen FNAC samples(M : F=1 : 1.15) were retrospectively analyzed in patients who were brought to Inha University Hospital, from August 1999 to August 2004.
: The most common age group was 16-20 years of age(N=148, 35.8 percent). The cervical area was the most frequently involved site(N=310, 75 percent). Non-specific lymphadenitis was the most common(N=227, 54.9 percent), followed by the benign neoplasm(N=59, 14.2 percent). Malignant tumors were 18 cases(4.3 percent), and congenital diseases were found in 10 cases(2.4 percent). In inflammatory lesions, tuberculous lymphadenitis(N=22, 5.3 percent) was the most common with a histologic sensitivity of 90.9 percent. The peripheral blood and serologic studies were non-specific. Fifty nine percent(N=244) of lymphadenitis improved without specific management. Antibiotics were prescribed in 15.2 percent of lymphadenitis and lymphadenectomy was performed in 12.6 percent.
: Most of the enlarged lymph nodes in children and adolescents were benign. These results show FNAC is a safe, rapid and reliable diagnostic procedure for the appropriate differential diagnosis of enlarged lymph nodes in children and adolescents.
Key Words: Fine needle aspiration cytology , Enlarged lymph node

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