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Wilms' tumor with polydipsia, polyuria, hyponatremic hypertension and congestive heart failure : a case report

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2006;49(1):99-102.
Published online January 15, 2006.
Wilms' tumor with polydipsia, polyuria, hyponatremic hypertension and congestive heart failure : a case report
Chul Hee Woo, Ji Min Jang, Chan Wook Woo, Ki Hyung Lee, Kwang Chul Lee
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
다음, 다뇨, 저나트륨성 고혈압, 심부전증을 보이는 윌름씨 종양 1례
우철희, 장지민, 우찬욱, 이기형, 이광철
고려대학교 의과대학 소아과교실
Kwang Chul Lee, Email: yh951637@chol.com
A 3-year-old girl presented with polydipsia, polyuria, hyponatremia, hypertension and congestive heart failure. Her polyuria was unresponsive to water restriction and vasopressin challenge tests, and her blood pressure was not effectively controlled by antihypertensive drugs. Radiologic examinations revealed a Wilms' tumor in the right kidney. Her plasma renin activity and aldosterone concentration were greatly increased. After surgical removal of the tumor, the congestive heart failure disappeared. Congestive heart failure due to Wilms' tumor is very rare and we report here on such a case, with a brief review of the literature.
Key Words: Wilms' tumor , Hypertension , Congestive heart failure , Hyperreninemia

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