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Six Year Follow-up of Childhood Obesity

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 2001;44(11):1295-1300.
Published online November 15, 2001.
Six Year Follow-up of Childhood Obesity
Eun Young Kim1, Young Il Rho1, Eun Seok Yang1, Sang Kee Park1, Yeung Bong Park1, Kyung Rye Moon1, Chul Gab Lee2
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Chosun University, Gwangju, Korea
2Department of OEM, College of Medicine, Chosun University, Gwangju, Korea
소아 비만의 6년간의 추적 관찰
김은영1, 노영일1, 양은석1, 박상기1, 박영봉1, 문경래1, 이철갑2
1조선대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2조선대학교 의과대학 산업의학과
Kyung Rye Moon, Email: krmoon@mail.chosun.ac.kr
: To examine the prevalence of obesity in elementary school-aged children in Gwangju, and long term courses of those obese children.
: We examined children aged 7 to 12 in the total number of 3,028 elementary school students consisting of 1,579 boys and 1,449 girls between 1994 and 1999. Obesity was defined as weight that exceeded the standard weight for height and sex by more than 20%(relative weight >120%).
: The prevalence of obesity was 3.4% at age 7 and 6.2% at age 12. The prevalence of obesity increased with age in both sexes. In boys, 5.7% of normal weight children at age 7 became obese at age 12. Sixty percent of mild obese children and sixty four point three percent of moderately obese children at age 7 remained obese at age 12. One hundred percent of severely obese children at age 7 remained obese at age 12. In girls, 3.1% of normal weight children at age 7 became obese at age 12. Forty seven percent of mildly obese children and fifty six point three percent of moderately obese children at age 7 remained obese at age 12. Sixty six point seven percent of severely obese children at age 7 remained obese at age 12. Above half of the obese children at age 7 remained obese at age 12.
: Our results suggest that prevention and treatment of obesity in elementary school children is required as early as possible.
Key Words: Obesity, Follow-up

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