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The Relationship of Maternal Disorder with Neonatal Cord Blood Leptin - Preeclampsia, Diabetes Mellitus, Antenatal Steroid Treatment -

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 2001;44(10):1119-1126.
Published online October 15, 2001.
The Relationship of Maternal Disorder with Neonatal Cord Blood Leptin - Preeclampsia, Diabetes Mellitus, Antenatal Steroid Treatment -
Seon Mi Park, Eun Young Kim, Yeong Bong Park, Sang Kee Park
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Chosun University, Kwang-ju, Korea
산모 질환과 신생아 제대혈 Leptin 농도와의 관계- 임신중독증, 당뇨, 분만 전 Steroid 투여 -
박선미, 김은영, 박영봉, 박상기
조선대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Sang Kee Park, Email: skpark@mail.chosun.ac.kr
: Leptin, the product of the ob gene is primarily by adipose tissue but also by the human placenta. Leptin may also have a role as a regulator of fetal growth and development during normal pregnancy as well as in pregnancies associated with anomalous fetal growth. Our study aimed to discover whether or not leptin concentration in neonatal cord blood correlates with maternal disorder(preeclampsia, antenatal steroid).
: Seventy newborns - twenty of preeclampsia, twenty of antenatal steroid treatment, ten of diabetes mellitus, twenty of neonatal asphyxia- and their mother were enrolled in this study. Gestational age, birth weight, length and placental weight were measured. Maternal age and weight were measured. Cord blood and maternal venous samples were collected and serum was separated and stored at -70℃. Leptin was measured by radioimmunoassay.
: Neonatal cord leptin concentration was significantly elevated in infants whose mothers received antenatal steroid, preeclamptic mothers and diabetic mothers Also, neonatal cord leptin concentration was correlated with maternal serum leptin concentration in those maternal disorders. Cord blood leptin concentration in neonatal asphyxia group was significantly elevated, but wasn't significantly correlated with their maternal serum leptin concentration.
: Neonatal cord leptin concentration was significantly increased in mothers with preeclampsia, diabetes mellitus, and exposure of the antenatal steroid. We find that maternal disorders affected leptin concentration in cord blood, and that increased cord blood leptin in neonatal asphyxia was shown to be a product of fetus.
Key Words: Leptin, Cord blood, Steroid, Preeclampsia, Diabetes mellitus, Asphyxia

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