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A Case of Hinman Syndrome Successfully Treated by Non-Surgical Measures

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1999;42(5):722-727.
Published online May 15, 1999.
A Case of Hinman Syndrome Successfully Treated by Non-Surgical Measures
Won Seoung Lee, Chang Weon Oh, Ki Bok Kim
Department of Pediatrics, Kwangju Christian Hospital, Kwangju, Korea
비수술적 치료로 호전을 보인 Hinman 증후군 1례
이원성, 오창원, 김기복
광주기독병원 소아과
Won Seoung Lee, Email: 1
Hinman syndrome is a condition caused by an incoordination between the detrusor and external urethral sphincter during bladder contraction. Manifestations include day-and-night wetting, residual urine, infected urine, vesicoureteral reflux, christmas-tree shaped bladder-wall change, and upper tract damage without neurologic lesion or anatomical obstruction. Recently, this incoordination was postulated to be due to over-compensation of the external sphincter which compensates the uninhibitory detrusor contraction and pathological persistence of this “detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia” habit after brain cortical maturation. Accordingly, this syndrome is an acquired psychosocial-behavioral problem, reversible by bladder training and does not necessitate surgical intervention. We report a case of nonneurogenic neurogenic bladder who was successfully treated by biofeedback training, anticholinergic drugs and intermittent catheterization.
Key Words: Nonneurogenic neurogenic bladder, Detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia

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