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Normal Predicted Values of Pulmonary Function Test in Healthy Korean Children

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1998;41(3):338-345.
Published online March 15, 1998.
Normal Predicted Values of Pulmonary Function Test in Healthy Korean Children
Seung Yeon Nam, Kyung Hyo Kim, Young Mi Hong, Gyoung Hee Kim
Department of Pediatrics, Ewha Womans University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
건강한 소아에서 폐기능검사 추정정상치에 관한 연구 -Pneumotachometry에 의한 Lung volume 및 Air flow rate의 측정 -
남승연, 김경효, 홍영미, 김경희
이화여자대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Gyoung Hee Kim, Email: 1
: We performed a pulmonary function test with simple, computerized spirometry composed of pneumotachometry and evaluated the predicted normal values of air flow rates and lung volumes in healthy Korean children. We calculated each of the simple and complex linear and logarithmic regression equations setting the predicted values.
: Four hundred and fifty-two healthy children were enrolled from December, 1994 to August, 1995. We measured air flow rates(FVC, FEV1, PEFR, FEF25-75) and lung volumes(VC, ERV, IC, VE). Data was analyzed according to sex, age, height, weight, and body surface area.
: In 452 children(male : 282, female : 170), the age distribution was from 8 through 19 years, the height from 121cm to 180cm and the weight from 21kg to 79kg. We could get determinant coefficients between parameter and air flow rates. In boys, height showed the highest determinant coefficient in examing air flow rates, followed by age, body surface area and weight in order. In girls, body surface area showed the highest determinant coefficient in examing air flow rates, followed by height, weight, and age in order. A determination coefficient to the parameter was the highest with FVC. We could get determinant coefficients between parameter and lung volumes. Boys showed high determinant coefficient with only IC, girls with VC and IC. In examing IC, height showed the highest determinant coefficient, followed by body surface area and weight in order. Predicted values of pulmonary function test were generally higher in boys than in girls.
: After performing the pulmonary function test in healthy Korean children, we report their normal values of air flow rates, lung volumes and regression equations for the predicted values.
Key Words: Pulmonary function test, Pneumotachometry, Children

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