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The Perinatal Complications in Infants of Mothers with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1997;40(6):809-917.
Published online June 15, 1997.
The Perinatal Complications in Infants of Mothers with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Ju Yeon Yeo1, Seong Won Yang1, Hye Kyung Han1, Mi Ryung Um1, Woo Gill Lee1, Mi Na Lee1, Hak Chul Jang2, Ho Yeon Jung2, Eun Sung Kim3, Kyu Byung Jung3
1Department of Pediatrics, Samsung Cheil Hospital, Seoul, Korea
2Department of Medicine, Samsung Cheil Hospital, Seoul, Korea
3Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Samsung Cheil Hospital, Seoul, Korea
임신성 당뇨병 산모에서 출생한 신생아의 주산기 합병증
여주연1, 양성원1, 한혜경1, 엄미령1, 이우길1, 이미나1, 장학철2, 정호연2, 김은성3, 정규병3
1삼성제일병원 소아과
2삼성제일병원 내과
3삼성제일병원 산부인과
: This study was performed to examine the impact of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) on perinatal outcomes, especially macrosomia and metabolic complications in Korean women.
: We studied perinatal outcomes of 65 women with GDM who delivered a singleton infant and were not complicated by medical disease that might effect the fetal growth, 65 women with normal glucose tolerance were selected to match subject with GDM matched to age, height, and prepregnancy weight.
: 1) Mean birth weight in infants of mothers with GDM was significantly heavier than that in infants of control mothers, even though the delivery was almost one week earlier(3524 vs. 3364gm). 2) Although length and head circumference of infants were not different between 2 groups, chest circumference and Ponderal index were significantly higher in infants of mothers with GDM. 3) The frequencies of LGA infants and macrosomia were higher in GDM group, but frequency of prematurity was not different between 2 groups. 4) The proportion of disproportionate growth among macrosomic infants was significantly higher in GDM group. 5) In infants of mothers with GDM, the frequencies of LGA infants were not significantly different between 2 groups which were separated according to the fasting glucose level measured at the time of diagnosis. 6) In infants of mothers with GDM, the frequencies of hypoglycemia, polycythemia, hypocalcemia and hyperbilirubinemia were 21.5%, 18.5%, 3.1% and 33.8% respectively. When infants of mothers with GDM were divided to 2 groups (LGA, AGA), the frequencies of polycythemia and hyperbilirubinemia in LGA infants were higher than those in AGA infants (30.8 vs. 10.3% and 50.5 vs. 23.1%, respectively). 6) There was a significant positive correlation between Ponderal index and chest circumference/head circumference ratio(r=0.37, p< 0.01).
: Inspite of tight metabolic control of mothers with GDM, perinatal complications, such as macrosomia, hypoglycemia, hyperbilirubinemia were frequent in infants of mothers with GDM. In case of infants of mothers with GDM, perinatal complication should be treated earlier or prevented by careful physical examination and intensive management.
Key Words: Infant, Gestational diabetic mother, Perinatal complications

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