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A Case of Chronic Granulomatous Disease Associated with Pyogenic Liver Abscess

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1996;39(4):585-590.
Published online April 15, 1996.
A Case of Chronic Granulomatous Disease Associated with Pyogenic Liver Abscess
S.K. Lee, J.H. Kim, S.Y. Kim, E.T. Oh, H.J. Kang, K.S. Kim
Department of Pediatrics, Dae Dong Hospital, Pusan, Korea
화농성 간농양이 동반된 만성 육아종성 질환 1례
이선규, 김종환, 김사영, 오의탁, 강홍자, 김길서
대동병원 소아과
We have experienced a case of chronic granulomatous disease associated with pyogenic liver abscess in 10 years old male Chronic granulomatous disease(CGD) is a hereditary disorder of neutrophil with defective killing and digesting of ingested catalase-positive bacteria or fungi in spite of normal phagocytosis. It was diagnosed by clinical finding and laboratory examination including NBT test. Pyogenic liver abscess in old children were associated with underlying host defense defects, particularly chronic granulomatous disease and leukemia. Staphylococcus aureus was the most common etiologic agent. Roentgenography including scan is the most helpful diagnositc tool available. The treatment of choice is percutaneous needle aspiration in combination with bactericidal antibiotics. We report this one case with a brief review of the literature.
Key Words: Chronic granulomatous disease, Pyogenic liver abscess

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