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Two Cases of Systemic Candidiasis in Premature Infants

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1995;38(11):1558-1564.
Published online November 15, 1995.
Two Cases of Systemic Candidiasis in Premature Infants
Dae Kyun Kim, Woo Chul Suh, Eun Gyeoung Jung, Eun Seok Yang, Sang-Kee Park
Department of Pediatrics, Chosun University Medical College, Kwang Ju, Korea
미축아에서 발생한 전신성 칸디다중 2례
김대균, 서우철, 정은경, 양은석, 박상기
조선대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Reports of systemic candidiasis in neonates have been noted recently with its major advances in neonatal care permitting the frequent survival of low birth weight infant. Factors influencing the development of systemic candidiasis include prematurity, very low birth weight, the presence of intravascular catheter, the use of hyperalimentation, prolonged broad spectrum antimicrobial therapy and prolonged endotracheal intubation. We experienced two cases of systemic candidiasis in premature infants. one case presented multifocal retinitis on fundus examination and urinary tract infection due to Candida albicans, and another case noted fungus ball formation in right kidney on abdominal sonogram which was confirmed by autopsy. We report the cases with brief review of literatures.
Key Words: Systemic candidiasis, Premature infants

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