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Serial M-mode Echocardiographic Assessment of Left Ventricular Function in Kawasaki Disease

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1994;37(6):759-766.
Published online June 15, 1994.
Serial M-mode Echocardiographic Assessment of Left Ventricular Function in Kawasaki Disease
Byung Ho Choi, Jin Kyung Kim, Myung Chul Hyun, Sang Bum Lee
Department of Pediatrics, Kyung-Pook National University, College of Medicine, Taegu, Korea
Kawasaki병 환아에서 M-형 심에코도를 이용한 좌심실 기능의 평가
최병호, 김진경, 현명철, 이상범
경북대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
To investigate the effect of kawasaki disease on left ventricular function, we studied 92 patients with Kawasaki disease at initial visit, after 3 months (78 patients) and after 1 year (9 patients). Using serial M-mode echocardiogram, we obtained LVD(d) (left ventricular internal dimension at end diastole), LVD(s)(left ventricular internal dimension at end systole), FS(fractional shortening), ET(ejection time), VmCF(mean velocity of circumferential fiber shortening), PWTD(posterior wall thickness at end diastole), PWTS(posterior wall thickness at end systole) and peak systolic wall stress. Fractional shortening was significantly decreased in kawasaki disease, being a mean(SD) of 38.9 (8.2%) in the control group, 33.8 (7.8) at initial visit (p<0.05), 34.8 (7.0) after 3 months (p<0.05), and 33.8 (3.4) after 1 year (p<0.05). Rate corrected VmCF was significantly decreased in kawasaki disease, being a mean (SD) of 1.25 (0.28) circ/sec in the control group, 1.05 (0.28) at initial visit (p<0.01), 1.10 (0.25) after 3 months (p<0.05), 1.08 (0.15) after 1 year (p<0.05). Peak systolic wall stress was signiflcantly increased in Kawasaki disease, 51.7 (16.6) gm/cm2 in the control group, 64.9 (20.7) at initial visit (p<0.05), 63.2 (18.3) after 3 months (p<0.05), 76.6 (17.3) after 1 year (p,0.01). Peak systolic wall stress adjusted, rate corrcted mean velocity of circumferential fiber shortening was signifcantly decreased only at initial visit. We concluded that abnormalities of left ventricular function, as assessed by M-moed echocardography, generally persist after 1 year.
Key Words: Kawasaki disease, M-mode echocardiography, Left ventricular function

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