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Intractranial Hemorrhage in Full-Term Neonates by Ultrasonography

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1993;36(11):1570-1577.
Published online November 15, 1993.
Intractranial Hemorrhage in Full-Term Neonates by Ultrasonography
Chang Gyu Lim, Joon Soo Park, Woo Ryong Lee, Jae Ock Park, Sang Mann Shin, Sang Jhoo Lee
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Soon Chun Hyang University, Seoul, Korea
초음파 검사로 진단된 만삭아의 두개강내 출혈
임창규, 박준수, 이우령, 박재옥, 신상만, 이상주
순천향대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Intracranial hemorrhage is the most common neuropathologic finding in premature infants. But in full-term infants, It is less common and rarely causes death. We found out intracranial hemorrhages in 21 full-term neonates by real-time neurosonography and concluded as followings. 1) Among 21 neonates, 17 infants were male and 4 infants were female. 2) In 11(52.3%) infants the hemorrhage was detected within 7 days after birth. 3) The intracranial hemorrhage was not related with delivery type nor Apgar score. 4) In 13 cases(61.9%) the hemorrhage was in the subependymal germinal matrix and the degree was Grade I. 5) Precipitation or associated factors were asphyxia, pneumonia, ventilator care, RDS and congenital heart disease. 6) Symptoms and signs were seizure, apnea, lethargy, cyanosis, jaundice, anemia or bulging fontanel.
Key Words: Intracranial hemorrhage, Full-Term infants, Neurosonography

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