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Postnatal change of Atrial natriuretic peptide in newborn Infants

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1992;35(9):1193-1197.
Published online September 15, 1992.
Postnatal change of Atrial natriuretic peptide in newborn Infants
Eun Sook Kim, Heng Mi Kim
Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Taegu, Korea
신생아 Atrial Natriuretic Peptide의 출생후 변화
김은숙, 김행미
경북대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Atrial natriuretic peptide(ANP)has been described as a part of the regulatory system of volume homeostasis. The role of ANP in postnatal volume hmestasis was investigated in 27 normal newborn infants during the early postnatal period. Plasma Mean plasma concentration of plasma ANP was 24.7¡¾13.8 pg/13.8pg/ml on the 1st day, 56.2¡¾60.0pg/ml on the 3-5th day and 35.0¡¾22.0pg/ml on the 7th day. Plasma ANP on the 3-5th day was increased compared with ANP on the 1st day(p<0.05). Mean birth weight was 3471¡¾541gm, mean body weight on the 3-5th postnatal day was 3457¡¾578gm and 3507¡¾555gm on the 7th day. Eleven out of 27 newborn infants lost their weight during first 7 days and 16 newborn didn't. In 11 newborn infants with weight loss whose mean birth weight was 3423¡¾606g, lsot 112¡¾50 gm on the 8¡¾87.1 pg/ml on the 3~5th day and 23.9¡¾31.2pg/ml on the 7th day. In 16 newborn infants with no weight loss whose mean birth weight was 3377¡¾632gm gained 26¡¾35 gm on the 3~5th day and 56¡¾32 gm of the 7th day. Mean plasma ANP was 27.1¡¾14.7pg/ml on 1st day, 48.8¡¾38.3pg/ml on the 3-5th day and 33.2¡¾15.1pg/ml on the 7th day. In newborns with weight loss, mean plasma ANP was elevated on the 3~5th day compared with that infants who had no weight loss(p<0.05). ANP is possibly involved in the volume contraction during early postnatal days in normal newborn infants.
Key Words: ANP, Newborn, Body weight

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