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Analysis of 5,653 Cases with Congental Heart Disease (CHD) Catheterized at Yonsei Medical Center - A 28-Year Review -

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1992;35(2):143-156.
Published online February 15, 1992.
Analysis of 5,653 Cases with Congental Heart Disease (CHD) Catheterized at Yonsei Medical Center - A 28-Year Review -
Dong Shik Chin1, Jong Kyun Lee1, Jun Hee Sul1, Sung Kyu Lee1, Bum Koo Cho2
1Division of Pediatric Cardiology, Yonsei Cardiovascular Center Yonsei University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
2Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Yonsei Cardiovascular Center Yonsei University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
심도자술로 진단한 선천성 심질환 5,653례의 분석
진동식1, 이종균1, 설준희1, 이승규1, 조범구2
1연세대학교 의과대학 심장혈관센터 소아심장과
2연세대학교 의과대학 심장혈관센터 심장혈관외과
This is a 28-year analysis of 5,653 cases with congenital heart disease who underwent cardiac catheterization at Yonsei Medical Center from 1964 to 1991. Form 1964, there was a steady increment in the number of catheterized cases with CHD until the late 1970's when the patients population began to increase rapidlly. This was undoubtedly set off by the introduction of the National Medical Insurance Program in 1977. In 1984, the Cardiac Institute was founded to support poor CHD patients and it made a second burst of increment in the number of the cases. And it also made people to think the CHD is not disabled disease and to get interest in it. Thereafter, about 430 cases of CHD underwent cardiac catheterization annually. After opening of with Yonsie Cardiovascular Center in May, 1991, we performed 484 cardiac catheterization on patients with CHD which is about 1.5 times more than before the cardiovascular center era. We found that the pattern of distribution of individual CHD is almost similar to those compared with other author's reports in Western countries with the exception of a much smaller number of coarctation of aorta. This finding was consistent with other Asian countries. The distribution of individual CHD was as follows : VSD ; 1,785 cases (31.6%), TOF; 1,133 cases(20.4%), PDA;889 cases (15.7%), ASD;819 cases(14.5%), PS;193 cases(3.4%) and so on. Overall operative mortality of CHD during the recent 11 years (1981-1991) was 4.5% which was relatively lower than other institutes in Korea but uitis still unsatisfactory in some kinds of complicated CHD such as complete TGA. Nowadays we are faced with an increased number of complicated CHD in neonates and infants, therefore, more accurate anatomic and hemodynamic diagnosis of complicated CHD and better surgical techniques, development of diagnostic equipments and the needs for early surgery and emergency medical treatment are urgently demanded.
Key Words: Congenital heart disease, Cardiac catheterization and Operative mortality

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