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Cases of Omental Cyst

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1992;35(1):129-134.
Published online January 15, 1992.
Cases of Omental Cyst
Ju Seok Maeng1, Hae Kyung Lee1, Jae Ock Park1, Sang Jhoo Lee1, Chul Moon2, Dong Wha Lee3
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Soon Chun Hyang University, Seoul, Korea
2Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, Soon Chun Hyang University, Seoul, Korea
3Department of Clinical Pathology, College of Medicine, Soon Chun Hyang University, Seoul, Korea
대망낭종 1례
맹주석1, 이혜경1, 박재옥1, 이상주1, 문철2, 이동화3
1순천향대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2순천향대학교 의과대학 외과학교실
3순천향대학교 의과대학 임상 병리학교실
A 3-year-old female patient was admitted due to marked abdomainal distension. Her mother has been noticed the abdominal distension since birth, and the abdomen was enlarged progressively, but there were no subjective symptoms such as abdominal pain, vomiting nor indigestion. The radiographic findings showed huge intraabdomainal mass anterior to intestine which had septated fluid collection in it. Omental cyst was removed surgically and the result was favorable.
Key Words: Omental Cyst

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