Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics




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All issues > Volume 11(7); 1968

Original Article
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(7):351-357. Published online July 31, 1968.
Parasitic Infestation in the Pediatric Age Group
Hyun Lee1, Se Ju Kang1, Sang June Kim1, Ha Jun Kim1, Duk Jin Yun1
1Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University Medical college
1. Incidence of parasitological infestation in the pediatric age was studied. The materials were the in-patients of each department of Severance Hospital, Seoul Korea, from January 1963 to July 1967, 4,048 in number (male 2,573, female 1,745) 2. The incidence of the helminthic infestation in the pediatric age could be divided into three characteristic groups. The first group (up to one year of age) revealed the least positive rate among the three. But the infestation of Ascaris and Trichocephalus were detected from as early as three months of age, which means early infestation soon after birth. The second group(1 to 6 years of age) also revealted characteristic pattern of the incidence ricing steadily along with increased age. This means that the parasitic infestation of this group correlated with the increasingly active behaviour of children playing outdoors in contaminated soil. The third group (up to 15 years of age) revealed that the high incidence at 6 years old remained constant up to 15 years old. Most kinds of parasites, as in the case of adults, were infestated in this age group. 3. Trichocephalus was in higher incidence than ascaris, and Trichostrongylus than Ancylostoma. Liver fluke, Lung fluke and tapeworm were found as early as at one year, two years, and 4 years of age respectively. 4. No particular pattern was shown in the annual incidence and between both sexes. 5. Any characteristic pattern, as in the case o£ helminths was not seen in protozoa infestation, having the incidence of 6.7% in male and 7. 6% in female. In young ages those extra-vegetable source of parasitic infection should be blamed as the important means of transmission of parasites; mother’s hands, nipples, milk bottle, utensils, families* hands, child’s own hands who plays with soil, home dust should be kept clean strictly for the prevention of parasitic infection in the pediatric age group.

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