Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics




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All issues > Volume 13(9); 1970

Case Report
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(9):537-542. Published online September 30, 1970.
A Case of Hand-Schiiller-Christian Disease
Jong Chyul Kim1, Soon Kyumg Lee1, Gilmary Simmons 1, Hee Tak Byun1, Choon Ja Nam Koong1
1Department of Pediatrics, Pusan Maryknoll Hospital
A Case of Hand-Schuller-Christian Disease in a 3 years old boy is presented. The patient had complaints of moderate exophthalmos, tenderness over skull and extremities, and emaciation. The diagnosis was confirmed by clinical findings, radiological evdence and biopsy finding. The review of literature was made briefly.

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