Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics




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All issues > Volume 27(3); 1984

Case Report
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1984;27(3):288-292. Published online March 31, 1984.
A Case of Thyroid Papillary Adenocarcinoma.
Duk Hi Kim1, Chul Lee1, Pyung Kil Kim1, Byung Soo Kim1, Yi Ho Hwang2, Kyung Sik Lee2, Woo Hee Chung3
1Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei Univ. College of Med.
2Department of General Surgery, Yonsei Univ., College of Med.
3Department of Pathology, Yonsei Univ., Collge of Medicine, Seoul Korea
We report a case of thyroid papillary adenocarcinoma in a 5 year 1 month old boy. His major problem was palpable thyroid nodule & cervical lymph nodes. Extensive bilateral pulmonary metastasis was noticed. The metastatic thyroid carcinoma was regressed after therapeutic doses of radioiodine without total thyroidectomy.

Keywords :Papillary adenocarcinoma

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