Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics




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All issues > Volume 32(7); 1989

Original Article
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1989;32(7):1017-1022. Published online July 31, 1989.
A Clinical Study on Patients with Sydenham's Chorea.
Jae Il Sohn1, Young Sik Kim1, Yong Seung Whang1
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Received: November 28, 1988;  Accepted: December 13, 1988.
A clinical study was performed on 23 patients of Sydeham’s chorea in the children who admitted to the pediatric department of SNUH from Jan. 1980 to Dec. 1987. The results were as follows: 1) Among 316 patients with rheumatic fever, 10 patients (3%) had a chorea. 2) The age at onset of chorea ranged from 8 to 16 years. 3) The ratio of female to male was 1.9 : 1 Fifteen patients were female, 8 patients male. 4) In type, 13 patients (57%) had “pure” chorea and 10 patients (43%) had evidence of rheumatic fever. Twenty-two patients (96%) had a generalized chorea and 1 patient (4%) hemichorea. 5) In manifestations of rheumatic fever, 7 patients (70%) had a carditis. 6) In severity, it was mild in 4 patients (17%), moderate in 8 patients (35%), and severe in 11 patients (48%). 7) In duration of chorea, 11 patients (64%) were ranged from 1 month to 6 months, 2 patients (12 %) within 12 months, 2 patients (12%) within 24 months and 2 patients (12%) over 24 months. 8) There was no recurrence. 9) Therapy included haloperidol in 18 patients (78%), valium, chlorpromazine, predinisolone, and diphenylhydantion. In duration of drug therapy, 12 patients (70%) were within 3 months. 10) The EEG findings were abnormal in 5 of 9 patients, (56%) diffuse slowings in 3 patients, and focal slowings in 2 patients. 11) There was a suicidal attack in 1 patient.

Keywords :Sydenham’s Chorea

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