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A Case of Pyogenic Liver Abscess.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1983;26(11):1111-1114.
Published online November 30, 1983.
A Case of Pyogenic Liver Abscess.
Jeong Bok Lee1, Dong Hwan Cho1, Sook Kyeung Jung1, Won Jae Park1, Jin Kook Kang2
1Department of Pediatrics, National Police Hospital, Seoul, Korea
2Department of General Surgery, National Police Hospital, Seoul ,Korea
신생아 화농성 간농양 1례
이정복1, 조등환1, 정숙경1, 박원제1, 강진국2
1국립경찰병원 소아과
2국립경찰병원 일반외과
We have experienced a case of pyogenic liver abscess with omphalitis in 21 days old :female. We diagnosed liver abscess with liver scanning and ultrasonography,. confirmed by exploratory laparotomy and tissue biopsy. She was treated with parenteral antibiotics. We have presented a rare case and reviewed the literature.
Key Words: Pyogenic Liver Abscess, Omphalitis

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