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A Case of Pyogenic Liver Abscess with Fever of Unknown origin.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1983;26(11):1145-1148.
Published online November 30, 1983.
A Case of Pyogenic Liver Abscess with Fever of Unknown origin.
Soo Baeck Lee, Kwang Soo Hwang, Kyung Sook Cho, Doo Sung Moon
Department of Pediatric's, Maryknoll Hospital, Busan, Korea
불명열 중 화농성 간농양 1 례
이수백, 황광수, 조경숙, 문두성
부산메리놀병원 소아과
Pyogenic liver abscess is a rare disease in normal children. Our case was 7 year old boy who had suffered from spiking high fever and upper abdominal discomfortness for 14 days. Liver function tests were normal and blood cultures were negative. An accurate preoperative diagnosis was pyogenic liver abscess, which was diagnosed, by ultrasound and scintigram. Final diagnosis was solitary pyogenic liver abscess at right lobe fo liver. The purpose of this report is to emphasize the need to entertain the diagnosis of liver abscess even in normal children, who present with fever of unknown origin with abdominal complaints. We presented the case with the brief review of the literatures.
Key Words: Solitary Pyogenic Liver Abscess.

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