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Periperal Plasma Renin Activity in Children with Normotensive Reflux Nephropathy.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1988;31(6):731-737.
Published online June 30, 1988.
Periperal Plasma Renin Activity in Children with Normotensive Reflux Nephropathy.
Chong Guk Lee, Kwang Mann Ko
Department of Pediatrics, Paik Hospital in Seoul, Inje Medical College, Seoul, Korea
정상혈압을 가진 역류성 신병증 (Reflux Nephropathy) 환아에서의 Renin 활성도
이종국, 고광만
인제대학부속 백병원 소아과학교실
Received: 25 November 1987   • Accepted: 21 January 1988
Peripheral renin activity was measured in 11 children with normotensive reflux nephropathy and 20 normal children to disclose the abnormality of the renin-angiotensin system in the patient group. 9 children among the patient group were allocated to single-dose captopril test for the assessment of the response to the test in patients with normotensive reflux nephropathy. 1. Contrary to the significant negative correlation between PRA and age in the normal control(r=- 0.66, p< 0.001), there was no negative correlation between them in the patient group(r=-0.1). 2. The correlation between PRA and mean Na excretion were not signiticant in the patient group and control group. 3. There were 2 types of response to single-dose captopril test on patients with normotensive RN, namely, Hyperresponders and non-Hyperresponders. 4. Only the initial level of PRA before captopril loading could indicate the responsiveness of patients to the captopril test. With regard to age, mean Na excretion and severity of renal scar, there were no significant difference between Hyperresponders and non-Hyperresponders. 5. Long-term follow-ups are needed to confirm whether hyperresponsiveness to oral single-dose captopril test is related to the risk of hypertension. Nevertheless, this test seems to be very helpful to identify the abnormality of renin activity in patients with RN.
Key Words: Plasma renin activity, Reflux Nephropathy, Captopril test

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